How much water is in the lake above the Madison? Hebgan lake is currently over 97% full!
Daily Reservoir Data as of 07/07/2015
Pool Elevation is 6534.1 Feet
Pool Elevation to Fill 0.8 Feet
Reservoir Storage is 376824. Acre-Feet
Reservoir Storage to Fill 9357.5 Acre-Feet
Reservoir Inflow is 1009.0 CFS
Reservoir Outflow is 1009.0 CFS
Reservoir is 97.6 % Full*
Reservoir Flood Control Pool is filled 0.0 %
Madison River Flow is 1009.0 CFS
What do the flow and water temperature conditions on the upper Madison look like? Really good as well 1400 cubic feet per second flowing at Varney bridge is more than enough for easy floating and good fishing. Likewise the water temperatures on the Madison river are getting plenty cool at night to keep the fish happy. Last night the water temperatures were down to 61 degrees and several nights ago they were below 60 degrees. These fish are only dealing with really hot water for a short period during late afternoon each day. Thankfully that time period is also when the fewest boats tend to be on the river trying to catch them. Overall we are expecting good water conditions and good catching to continue through the summer.